Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to fix an old photo in CS5

I have been asked many times how I fix old photos.. Im self taught with the help of youtube on almost everything to do with photoshop so my way might not be the "right" way but i have made some good money out of this. I am not stuck up so if you need help please feel free to ask and im more than happy to help if I can! Dont be fooled im FAR from a pro at anything to do with photoshop, youtubes good, but its not THAT good! :)
Anyway ill do it with this photo because its an easy fix and over the next few weeks ill show you how I do harder ones! I will also make posts for lightroom 3 as well!

Step 1.... I like to sit and look at the photo ive been asked to fix for a while. Is there bad marks, dirty spots, off colour? I have marked out everything on this photo that I would fix. It may be something small but that something small turns into something big if its the only thing on the photo that isnt fixed! Once I have worked out everything I want to fix I then fix the colour of the photo before doing any "fixing"
Step 2
First I ALWAYS duplicate the background layer....... Why? Because I like to be able to see what ive done and if you make a mistake its EASY to fix!

RIght click on BACKGROUND , and duplicate layer

You can name this anything you like, I just leave it as background copy because im blonde and dont want to confuse myself! CLICK OK!
TA DAAAAAA !!! Make sure the duplicate is highlighted. This is the layer that you will be working with and if anything goes wrong you can just DELETE it and it will not edit onto your photo:) To toggle this layer on and off to see your editing simply click the eye in the box next to the layer... BUT before you start editing again make sure you click it back on! If there is no eye you will be editing straight onto your photo!

For a quick job this is how I would edit the colouring in this photo.

On the side panel I select colour balance,  midtones  and change to -8, +9, +2

This takes out the Magentaish ( I just made that word up) of the photo ! Right click the color balance layer and merge down. This is put that colour change into your duplicate layer but still NOT on the original photo. With this photo I also took down the brightness -10 and upped contrast 8. Yes yes I know, im crap at editing old photos in colour but blah HUSH AND LEARN! After changing brightness and contrast I simply merge down as before!
If you are happy with your photo so far you can merge your duplicate down ( putting it into the original ) and make a new duplicate or keep using the same one! I like to merge down so I can see what ive done with the next part without worrying about the color changes.

Now we get to the fun part! CLONEEEEEEEEE TOOLLLLL
No im not calling you a tool! Wellllllllll no im not…. To edit old photos I use 2 main things. Spot healing and clone. They both work great but for smaller marks use spot healing, always have your brush a tiny bit bigger than the mark your fixing . On the left hand panel click on the spot healing brush tool. To adjust the size of your brush you can use the bracket keys on your keyboard [  ] or at the top ( circled in red) and make sure that you have content aware ticked ( circled in green)

 Now work your way around the photo clicking on any small spots. Do not use spot healing for rips in photos.. This is what I go after using spot healing brush.

You might not be able to see much difference but I have cleaned up the jeans, blanket on the couch, behind their heads and a few minor spots. So now to move onto the clone tool

Lower the opacity to 64% , you may need to go over the same thing a few times but I have found this easier than having it at 100% and it looking dicky! The flow I always have around 85% this is how far from the centre of your brush circle the “cloning” will work.

As with the spot healing brush [ ] will change the size of your brush and you want to have it a tiny bit bigger than the object you want to clone out.  Once the brush is at the correct side hold the ALT key and click as close to the object as possible without getting in what you want to clone. Try to get much of the same colours as this is what will be cloned in place! You will have to keep changing the place you are cloneing from , simply buy holding ALT again to make sure you don’t repeat.

As you can see I have selected an area just under this rip to clone from because it is the same colour. When you move across to the arms, couch etc it will be harder and you may need to try a few times to get it looking ok… As you can see above my clone stamp the pattern has repeated, if this happens simply UNDO it. DO NOT CLONE 1 MARK WITH 1 BRUSH STROKE! ALWAYS select a new area to clone from!

So after going around cloneing everything I am left with a white patch up the top…. How do we fix that? Same way! Take a sample clone from under the white spot…. Put your opacity and flow to 100% and clone! For this spot I would sample from the left side of the post where there is just a plain colour instead of under the white mark because there is also a few smaller marks there as well .
( for some reason I cant print screen my brush so I drew it in lol )

This is the end result! I know its probably not very helpful but I did try to explain it the best I couldL LOL I will make another one for lightroom 3 later….. Now all you need to do is save! 

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